by Amit Majmudar
Because her nerves, dispersed over her body, made her treat touch as one more form of cognition
Because a male who let himself get too close to her while mating always risked being devoured in some way
Because she could assume the shape of any hollow, whether a solitude, or a martini glass, or a pill bottle, or an exhaust pipe, or an oven
Because she showed behaviors seemingly expressive of human emotions while remaining fundamentally alien
Because she wrapped her innumerable and sentient long legs around me and began to suck
Because she nursed a darkness in her that she spat into a stormcloud of unknowing when she decided to vanish
Because, penetrable everywhere, everywhere depthless, she pulled me in with her vulnerability, a mollusk born without a shell
Because she could squeeze through a hole the size of a wedding ring and emerge on the other side of it unchanged